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Monday, 25th September 2023
Page No. 3
Thiruvananthapuram Print Edition
The draft Kerala Curriculum Framework (KCF) for school education that was released recently as part of curriculum revision in the State calls for due consideration to vocational education.
Observing that failure to give due consideration to vocational education was reflected in Kerala society, the draft lays emphasis on Kerala becoming a society not only of job-seekers but also of job creators. For this, students should be exposed to traditional and emerging job sectors.
Educated youth’s issue
To overcome the problem of educated youth remaining unemployed even as many job sectors lack adequate skilled hands, a culture in which respect for various kinds of work and those doing it and most of all skilling should be created, says the draft.
Students should be able to understand the changes, some of them rapid, in sectors such as industry, agriculture, science and technology, health, services, and so on and acquire necessary skills to work in them. For this, opportunities to attain job skills should be provided in lessons and activities in each subject.
There are job skills that every school student should know. All students should go through them as part of vocational education, says the framework.
The right attitude towards work should be nurtured from the primary level itself, says the draft. School trips, activities, and interactions should be geared towards this in an age-appropriate manner. In classes V to VII, academic content and activities should focus not only on generating the right attitude to work but also an interest in it. This could be done through cooking, kitchen gardening, agriculture, video-audio editing, crafts, and so on.
In classes VIII to X, content and practicals that bring together work attitude, interest, and skills should be emphasised. From various sectors, they should be able to choose one sector that interests them and attain necessary skills in that.
They should also be provided with reading material in their chosen area to help them select their vocation later. In Classes XI and XII, job-oriented education should be able to provide students with information and skills, especially in the rapidly changing science and technology sector, to engage in jobs that can enable them to earn their livelihood.
They should also be provided with practical experience through on the job training. Students should also be given opportunities to develop talents and enthusiasm to launch start-ups with novel ideas and make them a success.