Six AMAZING Healthy Mummy mums who together lost 143kg compare popular high-sugar snacks they used to consume with delicious low-sugar alternatives that they ENJOY even more.
These ladies are proof that you don’t have to give up treats in order to lose weight. You simply have to find healthier versions of them.
By signing up to The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge you can gain access to all of these recipes and thousands more healthy and delicious recipes.
For some people, sugar cravings dominate their eating habits. The ’empty’ calories in sugar are not only really unhealthy but they are a massive set back when trying to lose weight.
If chocolate is your weakness and you are trying to lose weight. Don’t fear.
The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge recipes hub contains hundreds of healthy chocolatey treats you can enjoy, and still lose weight.
Healthy Mummy mum Kerrie O’Brien has lost 17kg without having to give up treats
Kerrie O’Brien hasn’t had to give up treats in order to lose 17kg. She simply found healthy, low sugar alternatives available on The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge recipe hub
Read more about her weight loss journey here.
She compares her old favorite snack ‘Cherry Ripe’ with her new healthy replacement ‘Healthy Mummy Raw Cherry Slice’.
Cherry Ripe vs Healthy Mummy Raw Cherry Slice
Kerrie says “It’s no secret that I love my cherry treats and The Healthy Mummy Raw Cherry Slice is one of my all time favorites.
So I thought I’d do an interesting comparison between a serving of the Healthy Mummy Raw Cherry Slice VS a Cadbury Cherry Ripe Bar.
400% more sugar in Cherry Ripe
I was shocked to see that a Cherry Ripe bar has 400% more sugar than a piece of the Healthy Mummy Raw Cherry Slice. That’s a HUGE difference!
The sugar in the Raw Cherry Slice is all natural from the cherries and dates in the recipe and there are NO added sugars. Unlike the Cherry Ripe which is full of processed sugars. So that’s even better.
The Raw Cherry Slice not only looks amazing it tastes amazing too. And totally satisfies my chocolate craving! Get Healthy Mummy Raw Cherry Slice recipe.
Healthy Mummy mum Jessica has lost 20kg without giving up her favorite chocolate coconut combo
Mum Jessica McGill has lost 20kg with The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges. In doing so, she has learnt how to cook healthy and nutritious alternatives to her favorite snacks and meals.
She compares one of her old favorite high sugar snacks ‘Bounty Bar’ to the one she makes now.
Bounty bar vs Healthy Mummy Bounty Bites
Jessica says “That sneaky chocolate bar at the checkout that doesn’t really count because you just survived grocery shopping with kids and need a prize (anyone else do this? ) has 27.6g of sugar!
Swapping a processed chocolate bar like this to a Healthy Mummy Bounty Bite means you can lose weight and gain health without missing out on anything”.
Get Healthy Mummy Bounty Bites recipe.
Healthy Mummy mum Hannah has lost 30kg without giving up pancakes on a Sunday
Hannah has lost 30kg with The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges. Read more about her journey here.
During her journey she has learnt how to make healthy alternatives to her usual Sunday breakfast. She compares McDonalds pancakes vs Healthy Mummy pancakes.
McDonalds pancakes vs Healthy Mummy pancakes
Mum Hannah Pech says “Who doesn’t love Sunday pancakes?
Traditional pancakes can be packed with SUGAR but thanks to The Healthy Mummy, Sunday mornings can still be enjoyed without all the added SUGAR!
Blueberry and vanilla pancakes for the win! (I served mine with half a banana and raspberries because we had no blueberries!) Get Healthy Mummy Blueberry Pancakes recipe.
No more Maccas pancakes…..twice the amount of sugar.
I’ve just enjoyed 4 HUGE pancakes and full for the morning ahead!”
Julie Banham has lost 45kg and still enjoys her favorite sesame seed snack
Julie Banham has lost 45kg by following the Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges. Read more about her journey here.
Instead of eating hi-sugar snacks she has learnt how to make healthy alternatives via the recipe hub which is available to Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge members.
She compares one of her prior favorite high sugar snacks to one that she loves to make today.
Edens Sesame Bars vs Healthy Mummy Sesame Bars
Julie Banham says “The Healthy Mummy has so many delicious recipes that don’t make you feel like you’re missing out.
Store bought Sesame Bars are full of sugar. It’s the number one ingredient.
Healthy Mummy Homemade Sesame Bars do not have sugar in them but are sweetened by honey and there totally delicious”. Get Healthy Mummy Sesame Bar recipe.
Brooke Ward gave up Lemonade and never looked back. She has lost 24kg
Schweppes Lemonade vs Healthy Mummy Super Greens
Brooke says “Before I was pregnant I was never much of a soft drink person but if I was going to have it, I would have lemonade.
When I was pregnant I would crave it. Sometimes having 2 cans a day.
My go to was the Schweppes Lemonade. So lets compare it to The Healthy Mummy Super Greens.
1 serve of Lemonade = 172 calories
1 serve Super Greens = 35 calories
1 serve Lemonade = 41.3 grams of sugar
1 serve Super Greens = less than 1 gram of sugar
I can’t believe how naive I was thinking Lemonade was a better choice than Coke.
Thanks to The Healthy Mummy, now when I’m feeling blah and I feel like I need a pick me up I’ve got my Super Greens to give me the kick I need.
Soft drink/ Energy drinks = FULL OF SUGAR
Healthy Mummy Super Greens = AMAZING, nothing but the good stuff!”.
See how Super Greens compare with energy drinks or Order yours Super Greens here.
Cassie McKay has lost 10kg after replacing Cola with something even more energising
Cassie McKay has lost 10kg by following The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges and enjoying Healthy Mummy Super Greens. Read more about her journey here.
Coca-Cola vs Healthy Mummy Super Greens
Cassie McKay says “Did you know we should be aiming for 6 teaspoons of added sugar a day? That’s 36g of sugar a day.
One 600mL bottle of Coke has 64g of sugar.
That’s almost 2 days worth of sugar.
I’ve made the swap from soft drink to Supergreens to cut 64g of sugar from my day.
Now is the perfect time to start thinking about how much added sugar you are having a day and how you might reduce it”.
Thank you ladies for sharing some of your favorite low sugar treats with us.
Want to know more? Read Everything you need to know about Sugar.
5 ‘healthy’ foods that contain more sugar than a Tim Tam!
Even some foods and drinks that market themselves as being healthy are often packed with the stuff, which means that if you are trying to eat well and lose weight while following a weight loss plan, you need to be extra vigilant.
Today we delve in and have a look at some popular grocery items and see how their sugar content for a standard serve stacks up against the sugary Aussie icon – the Tim Tam.
A standard Tim Tam contains 8.3g of sugar per biscuit – that’s around 2 teaspoons.
How do these ‘healthy’ foods compare on their sugar content?
1. Kellogg’s Fruit and Nut Special K Bar
So you might think that a muesli bar or cereal bar would be a good option for a healthy snack? You might be surprised to learn that a Kellogg’s Fruit and Nut Special K Bar contains 9.3g of sugar per 28g bar (that’s more than 2 tsp per bar).
2. Cereal
Cereal itself is not always a better option either (unless you opt for a homemade porridge or homemade bircher muesli). Crunchy Nut Cornflakes contain 11.1g per 35g serve – and that’s assuming that you stick to the recommended 1/2 metric cup serving.
3. Flavoured yoghurts
Love to snack on flavoured yoghurts? You may be alarmed to see that a Ski D’lite Peach Melba Yoghurt contains 26g per 200g tub. That’s almost 7 tsp of sugar in one single serve tub. You’re much better off sticking to natural or Greek yoghurt instead.
4. Coleslaw
Even savoury items aren’t free of sugar. Woolworths Low Fat Coleslaw contains 11.5g of sugar per single serve 134g tub. The low fat version has more sugar than the full fat coleslaw – this is quite common as the reduction in fat also compromises the flavour – so sugar is added to put some taste back in.
5. Pasta Sauce
And if you like the fresh pasta sauce from the chilled section at the supermarket, you should know that half a 340g tub of Leggo’s Fresh Napoli Tomato Pasta Sauce contains 8.3g of sugar – which is exactly the same amount of sugar as a Tim Tam.
Why not make your own? Make Your Own Healthy Pasta Sauce
What should I use instead?
If you can – sugar is best avoided in your cooking and baking (as well as your shopping). Often it is added by food manufacturers to prolong the shelf life as well as to make it taste better (meaning you will buy it again and again).
Often you will find that when you make your own meals at home (especially savoury ones) there is just no need to add any sugar as the natural sugars in your fresh fruits and vegetables are enough.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy sweet things sometimes.
- Fruit – fresh or frozen fruit is a great way to sweeten food. Add bananas to your Healthy Mummy Smoothies, puree frozen raspberries to add to your Greek yoghurt, use steamed and pureed apple to sweeten your baking.
- Vanilla beans – naturally sweet vanilla can be a great addition to baking and sweet foods. Go for the real deal, or the vanilla bean paste if you find it. You can also sometimes find good quality vanilla extract – which is a better option than vanilla essence as it is closer to the real thing.
- Cinnamon – this sweet spice can add a touch of sweetness to both sweet and savoury dishes.
- Dates – dried fruit is a great way to add sweetness to desserts and baking like in our Lemon and Date Oat Biscuits (pictured above). Dates do contain natural sugars, so it’s still important not to overdo it.
- Honey – this sweet syrup is another one that works well with sweet or savoury dishes. Though this high in natural sugar, it is an option when you do need a hit of sweetness and don’t want to use sugar.
Reducing your sugar intake can certainly feel overwhelming to start with. So, to help we have put together a SUGAR DETOX pack to give you the tools you need to help detox from sugar.
Get the Free Sugar Detox Challenge Recipe Pack.

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