Whether you’re not about that gym rat life or you have no choice but to sweat from your humble abode, building muscle and losing weight is perfectly doable with an effective at-home workout regimen.
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These 10 at-home workouts are effective for sweating in solitude or bringing the house down with your favorite workout playlist.
1. Barrel chest bedroom workout
How to do it:
Perform exercise as a massive superset. Rest 3 minutes, then repeat.
- Pushup (10-15 reps)
- Pullup (in doorframe, as many reps as possible)
- Plank (60 seconds)
- Renegade Row (10 reps)
Repeat 5 times
2. Total-body burnout workout
How to do it:
Perform exercises labeled “A” then exercise labeled as “B,” rest, then repeat for prescribed sets/reps.
1A. Dumbbell Lunge
1B. Pushup
3 sets, 8-12 reps each, 90 seconds between supersets
2A. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
2B. Ab-Wheel Rollout
3 sets, 6-8 reps each, 90 seconds between supersets
3A. Dumbbell Curl
3b. Dumbbell Shoulder Press
3 sets, 12-15 reps each, 2 minutes between supersets
4A. Plank
4B. Dip (can be done on a chair)
3 sets, as many reps as possible (60-plus seconds for plank), 90 seconds between supersets
3. Light-up-your legs workout
How to do it:
1A. Bodyweight Squat
1B. Lying Glute Bridge
As many sets as needed, 100 total reps for each exercise, 60 seconds between sets
2A. Reverse Lunge
2B. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
4 sets, 10 reps, 90 seconds between sets
3. Wall Sit
Lean against a wall and squat down until your knees are bent at 90 degrees and your shins are vertical to the ground. Hold the position. Complete one set and hold for as long as possible.
4. Cardio blast workout
How to do it:
Perform exercise as a massive superset, rest 2 minutes, then repeat 5 times.
- Jump Rope (60 seconds)
- Burpee (10 reps)
- Dumbbell Curl-To-Press or Double Kettlebell Swing (15 reps)
- Bear Crawl (60 seconds)
5. Ab-obliterator workout
How to do it:
1A. Ab-Wheel Rollout
1B. Superman Hold
3 sets, 10 reps (30 seconds for superman hold), 60 seconds between supersets
2. Renegade Row
3 sets, 10 reps, 60 seconds rest
3. Plank
3 sets, 60 second hold, 90 seconds rest
6. Upper-body muscle-builder workout
How to do it:
1. Pushup
3 sets, 3 minutes rest between sets
2. Plank
3 sets, 60-second holds, 60 seconds rest
3A. Bodyweight Squat
3B. Dumbbell Curl
3 sets, as many reps as possible, 90 seconds rest between supersets
4A. Dip (can be done on a chair)
4B. Pullup (in doorframe)
5 sets, 5-10 reps, 45 seconds rest between supersets
*Perform 10 pushups, rest 30 seconds; next, 9 reps, rest 30 seconds; then do 8 reps, continuing this pattern all the way down to 1.
7. Lower-body muscle-builder workout
How to do it:
1A. Bodyweight 1¼ squat*
1B. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
5 sets, 10 reps (as many as possible for squat), 90 seconds rest
2A. Walking Lunge
2B. Lying Glute Bridge
5 sets, 20 reps, 90 seconds rest
*Perform a bodyweight squat, come up ¼ of the way, drop back down to full depth, and come all the way up. That’s one rep.
8. The back-saver workout
How to do it:
1A. Pushup
1B. Prone Back Extension
3 sets, 12 reps each, 90 seconds rest
2A. Plank
2B. Prone Pressup*
3 sets, 10 reps (60 second plank), 90 seconds rest
3. Staggered Romanian Deadlift
3 sets, 6 reps/side, 60 seconds rest
*Lie facedown on the ground, positioning your hands as you would a pushup. Push yourself up, but leave your hips and legs on the ground. Hold for one second then return to the start position.
9. Total-body HIIT workout
How to do it:
Warm up for five minutes, then perform 1 minute of each exercise below followed by 2 minutes of recovery (either walking or slow jogging). Finish with a 5-minute cooldown.
1. Butt kicks
2. Mountain climbers
3. Alternating lunges
4. Stepups
5. Walkout to pushup
6. Hip bridge to crunch
7. Alternating curtsy lunges
10. Bodyweight core crusher workout
How to do it:
1. Reverse Crunch with Hand Targets: Lie on your back with knees bent as far as possible toward your torso and, keeping elbows at sides, angle arms back with palms facing knees. Lift hips, performing a reverse crunch, so knees touch palms. Lower back down and repeat.
2. Arm Offset Crunch: Lie on your back on a stability ball with edge of ball at your sacrum. Extend right arm straight out to the side at 90 degrees, palm up, keeping left arm down at side. Lift up into a crunch, then lower back down to start; switch arms and repeat.
3. Lateral Rolling Plank: Cross your arms, holding onto your elbows, and place them on the stability ball so you’re in a modified plank position. Roll to your right shoulder, then back to center and to your left. Continue alternating.
4. Rotating Crunch with Lateral Arm Swing: Lie on your back on a stability ball with left arm extended straight out to the side and right arm folded over chest. Lift up into a crunch, extending arms and swinging them to the right until left arm is bent over chest and right arm is straight. Continue alternating.
5. Reverse Crunch with Stability Ball: Lie on your back with knees bent, arms extended at sides at a 45-degree angle, and calves on top of stability ball. Squeeze the stability ball between your calves and thighs so it hovers above the floor. Lift your hips to perform a reverse crunch, then lower back to hover and repeat.
6. Hip Roll with Thread the Needle: Place the top of your feet on a stability ball and push up into a high plank position. Lift right foot up and over the left foot, then bring it back to the right and thread it under your left foot, extending right foot out to left. Do all reps on right side, then repeat on the opposite side.