Sara Ali Khan is a true fitness enthusiast. However, the actress recently dropped an image of herself showing her belly fat and revealed she managed to shed extra kgs in just two weeks. Now, her fitness trainer and nutritionist, Dr Siddhant Bhargava, has spoken about it. In an interview with Mid-day, he said, ‘There was no weight gain. She had simply taken a break and had gone to London. When she came back, she had to shoot for a chat show and had other commitments. She also had to walk the ramp. So she wanted to get back into shape.’ Further, while talking about how Sara managed to get into shape in only two weeks, the nutritionist revealed that she was largely on a calorie-restricted diet. ‘Usually, Sara consumes 1,700 calories, but we brought it down to 1,200 and ensured she was put on an extremely high protein diet.’ He also added that apart from a strict diet, Sara ‘was also working out like a beast.’ Notably, soon after posting her belly fat pictures, the actress recently dropped her gorgeous snaps in a pink embaellished lehenga and showed off her toned abs. Meanwhile, on the work front, Sara is currently keeping busy with multiple projects in her kitty. She will next be seen in the movie ‘Ae Watan Mere Watan’. Helmed by Kannan Iyer, the film will pay homage to the nation’s brave hearts. Apart from that, she also got Anurag Basu’s multi-starrer project ‘Metro… In Dino’, which is scheduled to be released in theatres on March 29, 2024. For more news and updates, stay tuned to ETimes.