Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani’s youngest son, Anant Ambani recently joined the board of Reliance Industries alongside his siblings, Isha and Akash Ambani, in August 2023. Anant Ambani’s remarkable weight loss journey in 2016, where he lost over 100 kg, made him an inspiration for many. Despite gaining weight back due to his asthma medication and other health issues, the young businessman has followed a strict diet and workout regimen in the past. If you’re looking to embark on a healthier lifestyle and lose weight, then Anant Ambani’s diet and workout plan may be worth considering. Scroll down to learn everything about Ambani’s diet and workout plan for weight loss that could do wonders for you as well.
All about Mukesh Ambani’s son Anant Ambani’s healthy diet that helped him lose over 100 kgs in a few months
One of the wealthiest families in the country, the Ambanis live in Antilia, the second most expensive home globally, following Buckingham Palace. In 2016, Anant Ambani’s weight loss became an instant talk of the town with everyone becoming curious to know the secret behind such a dramatic transformation.
1. Limit calorie consumption
In a conversation with Business Insider India, Ambani’s trainer Vinod Channa revealed that the former followed a very strict low-fat diet, consuming a limited amount of calories in a day. “His diet includes lots of vegetables, sprouts, cottage cheese, lentils, pulses, and half a teaspoon of ghee. This was the only diet he had to stick to. His calorie consumption in a day was 1200 -1400 calories,” the trainer said.
2. No junk food